Digital Inspection & Automated Data Analysis powered by Unmanned Aerial Systems


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Bladescape Blackout-Inspection

Change is in the air.

BLADESCAPE is one of the very few companies in the young field of unmanned aerial vehicles with more than 18 years of experience in the use of high-performance industrial drones. This experience has been successfully deepended in the course of more than 200 international customer projects in the area of automated Digital Inspection.

As a total solution provider and system integrator, we support our customers in every phase of the inspection process: From data collection with unrivalled accuracy and precision to automated data analysis and delivery of the inspection report in the shortest possible time. Our focus is on the operational, automated and autonomous operation of the aerial robot systems according to the in-house developed data capture method, the automated, AI-supported data analysis, 3D visualization, creation of digital twins, delivery of the analysis report of the abnormalities, data management as well as the integration ot the unamnned method into the customers’s business processes. This with the sole aim of delivering inspection results and actionable data without time delay, thus generating measurable added value for the customer.